WCTE 2025 goes to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

The Australian Organising Committee invites delegates from around the world to join the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2025 (WCTE 2025) in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia from 22 June 2025 to 26 June 2025.

The WCTE is the world’s leading scientific forum for the presentation of the latest technical and architectural solutions and innovations in timber construction. It is considered the most prestigious international event in the field of timber technology for construction, timber structures, and the design of timber architecture.

Professor Keith Crews is the Chair of WCTE 2025 and is also the Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC), Industrial Transformation Research Hub to Advance Timber for Australia’s Future Built Environment (ARC Advance Timber Hub) which is administered by The University of Queensland. The University of Queensland, along with the support of the ARC Advance Timber Hub, has the pleasure of hosting the WCTE 2025. They are also supported by, the Queensland Government through Tourism & Events Queensland, the Brisbane Economic Development Agency and Tourism Australia.



The WCTE 2025 Conference Committee invites authors to submit 2-page abstracts / mini papers for review by the WCTE 2025 International Scientific Committee. Submissions are sought for both oral and poster presentations, which must address the principal conference theme of:


The WCTE 2025 technical program will have a focus on the importance of research and development undertaken by the timber design and construction community in response to the increased demand from engineering and architectural firms, developers and investors, now emphasising timber engineering as a preferred solution for many projects.


  • Material Performance & Durability
  • Sustainability and Timber in a Circular Economy
  • Timber Engineering & Structural Performance
  • Timber Architecture & Biophililc Design
  • Education, Innovation & Challenges
  • Exemplars & Construction Case Studies

We invite abstract submissions of the above themes in the focused areas of:

  • Architectural Focus
  • Engineering Focus
  • Practitioner Focus

Submission Deadline: Sunday 30 June 2024.

We look forward to meeting you at WCTE 2025.

PROFESSOR KEITH CREWS. Chair (The University of Queensland / ARC Advance Timber Hub)
PROFESSOR GREG NOLAN. Deputy Chair (The University of Tasmania)
PROFESSOR KAY-UWE SCHOBER. Scientific Committee (Mainz University of Applied Sciences / Holzbauforschung Mainz)

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