Start-up project BambooJoint directed by Prof. Dr. Kay-Uwe Schober wins the DATIpilot Innovation Competition of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

The project idea combines the natural building material bamboo, which has a fast growth rate and an excellent carbon dioxide storage capacity, with a prefabricated construction in a sustainable product. Through the cooperative development of a prefabricated and demountable connection, previous research results on round wood are transferred to the material bamboo. The prefabricated part of the connection also enables outdoor use, e.g. for load-bearing structures. The high degree of prefabrication of our material-appropriate connection technology enables worldwide use, even in structurally weak regions.
Innovation inspired by nature: Our innovative technology for the renewable raw material bamboo creates another piece for achieving the climate policy goals of the construction industry on the way to carbon neutrality and material transition. We would like to thank our project partner MFSA for their continuous and long-standing support over the past ten years. And yes, we are happy that we have caught the fish together in a few minutes.
Project team:
Nicole Mehlhase, Michaela Götze, Jens Garlin (Modell- und Formenbau GmbH Sachsen-Anhalt); Christian Pinger, Maximilian Leonhard Müller, Kay-Uwe Schober (Timber and Plastics Research Group | Mainz University of Applied Sciences)
In July 2023, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) published the DATIpilot funding programme. The DATIpilot aims to simplify and accelerate funding processes. Additionally, it serves as a field for experimentation and provides learnings and ideas for the German Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI), which is currently being set up. A total of 300 Innovation Sprints are being funded. At the DATIpilot roadshow between November 2023 and February 2024, nearly 600 projects presented their ideas in five-minute pitches. At each of the 23 events, the participants themselves peer-voted which projects should receive funding. In this way, 153 Innovation Sprints have been funded.
For further information please visit DATIpilot - BMBF (only in German), or our project page BambooJoint - Timber and Plastics Research Group | Mainz University of Applied Sciences.