Julio Andres Ruiz Vasquez
Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Timber and Plastics Research Group
Office: H 2.18
Holzstraße 36
55116 Mainz
+49 6131 628-1327
E-Mail: please click here
Professional Background
- Academic Tutor in data processing and informatics, Universidad del Norte, Colombia,
- Engineering Assistant, INOSVA SAS, Barranquilla, Colombia,
- Civil Engineering studies, Bachelor's degree program in Civil Engineering, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia,
- Numerical computation, data processing and supervised machine-learning studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
In preparation.
Please check back later.
Research area
- Bamboo as renewable construction material,
- Adhesive bonding of natural fiber plastic compounds,
- Hardwood grading and classification for structural purposes,
- Machine-learning implementation in DIC and CT data processing.
Teaching area
- Basics of building construction