Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kay-Uwe Schober
Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chair of Timber Engineering and Building Construction
Head of Timber and Plastics Research Group
Office: tba
Holzstraße 36
55116 Mainz
+49 6131 487-9072
E-Mail: please click here
Kay-Uwe Schober is a Full Professor of Timber Engineering and Building Construction, teaching together with his team Building Construction for all newbie Bachelor students in Civil Engineering, International Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering (Construction) courses. Main focus in academics is understanding timber as sustainable building material in the construction engineering specialization for bachelor and master classes. The teaching philosophy is linked with the research activities of the Timber and Plastics Research Group and corresponding doctoral studies.
- Extensive experiences in materials sciences with research focus on sustainable building construction, wood adhesives, bio-composites, reinforcement and repair of historical buildings and structures in service,
- Mechanical testing of materials and building components, nondestructive testing of wood,
- Component testing and design with focus on building physics (heat/humidity/sound),
- Component testing and design with focus on construction (load-bearing capacity/statics/deformation/rheology),
- Support for SME and industry in the development of sustainable solutions for the construction industry,
- Material, product and process development, simulation studies and analyses,
- Contract and third-party research, reports, scientific advice, funding acquisition
- Preparation and support of approval procedures for non-regulated construction methods (ZiE, vBg, ETA, test certificate)
Professional background
- September 2009 appointment as Full Professor of Timber Engineering and Building Construction at Mainz University of Applied Sciences,
- Professor of Timber Engineering and Sustainable Construction in Aachen, Germany
- Doctor of Engineering degree (Dr.-Ing.) with research focus on timber structures and polymer composites, awarded with magna cum laude by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus-University of Weimar, Germany
- Research Associate in Timber Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus-University of Weimar, Germany
- Scientific Assistant in Structural Design, University of Dortmund, Germany
- Company Owner, Planungsbüro Schober ¤ Tragwerksplanung, Statik
- Certified Surveyor for Timber Preservation, awarded by the European Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Dresden, Germany
- Diploma degree in Civil Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.), awarded by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
- Studies of Civil Engineering with focus on structural design, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
- Apprenticeship as bricklayer, trade test and final secondary-school examination
- JEC Composites - Finalist of 2010 Innovation Award, Category: Building & Construction, Paris, France
- American Composites Manufacturers Association - ACMA Award for Design and Testing 2009, sponsored by The R.J. Marshall Company, Southfield, MI, USA
- STIFT Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research - STIFT Award 2009 for excellent application-oriented PhD thesis in the Free State of Thuringia, Erfurt, Germany
International engagement and memberships
- European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST):German National Representative FP (Forest, their products and services),External Expert in the remote evaluation of COST Open Research Calls.
- COST Action CA20139 - Holistic design of taller timber buildings:
WG 1: Robust Design for Adoption, Reuse and Repair,
WG 2: Deformations and Vibration,
WG 4: Sustainability and Durability. - COST Action FP1402 - Basis of Structural Timber Design:
WG4 - Hybrid Timber Structures. - COST Action TU1207 - Next Generation Design Guidelines for Composites in Construction:
WG3 - Strengthening Applications. - COST Action FP1004 - Enhance mechanical properties of timber, engineered wood products and timber structures:
Core Group Member,
German delegate to the Management Committee,
Grant Awarding Coordinator. - COST Action FP1101 - Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures:
WG2 - Reinforcement of Timber Structures. - COST Action E34 - Bonding of Timber:
German delegate to the Management Committee
Working Group Member - Member of the International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC), Kingston, ON, CA
- Member of International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER), formerly the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), WG18: Timber Structures
- Member of Forest Product Society, US Department of Agriculture, Ruston, LA, USA
International Scientific Committee
- World Conference in Timber Engineering 2025, Brisbane, Australia
- World Conference in Timber Engineering 2023, Oslo, Norway
- World Conference in Timber Engineering 2014, Québec City, QC, Canada
- World Conference in Timber Engineering 2008, Miyazaki, Japan
- Wood Adhesives 2013, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Wood Adhesives 2009, South Lake Tahoe, NV, USA
- International Conference on Structural Historical Constructions 2012, Wroclaw, Poland
- Applications of Monitoring and ACM in the Preservation of Heritage Structures CSHM, 2010, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Journal Reviewer and Editor
- European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff. Springer Nature, Editors-in-Chief: K. Richter, J.W. van de Kuilen, ISSN 0018-3768
- Wood Material Science & Engineering. Taylor & Francis in co-operation with The Nordic Forest Research Co-operation Committee (SNS), Editor-in-Chief: D. Sandberg, ISSN 1748-0272
- Journal of Composites for Construction. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Editor-in-Chief: F. Matta, ISSN 1090-0268
- Materials and Structures, the flagship publication of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), Springer Science, Editor-in-Chief: J. Provis, ISSN 1359-5997
- Construction and Building Materials. Elsevier Science Ltd., Editors-in-Chief: J.M. Adam, M.C. Ford, ISSN 0950-0618
- Engineering Structures. Elsevier Science Ltd., Lead Editor-in-Chief: Y. Jang, ISSN 0141-0296
- Bautechnik, die Zeitschrift für den gesamten Ingenieurbau. Ernst & Sohn Berlin, Editor-in-Chief: D. Jesse, ISSN 0932-8351
- Structures, the Research Journal of The Institution of Structural Engineers. Elsevier Science Ltd., Editor-in-Chief: L. Gardner, ISSN 2352-0124
- Experimental Research with Timber. Schober, K.-U. (ed), University of Bath: Bath, United Kingdom, 2014; p. 232. ISBN 9 781857 901832.
- Innovative Timber Composites - Improving wood with other materials. Schober, K.-U. (ed), University of Bath: Bath, United Kingdom, 2013; p. 48. ISBN 1 85790 178 9.
- Enhance mechanical properties of timber, engineered wood products and timber structures. Schober, K.-U. (ed), University of Bath: Bath, UK, 2012; p. 264. ISBN 1 85790 176 2.
Full list in section publications
Research area
Material classification
Mechanical behavior of materials,
Fracture mechanics of timber,
Wood and timber composites,
Timber composite joints,
High-performance timber joints,
Numerical modeling of wood-based systems,
Bio-based composites,
Wood modification,
Wood adhesives,
Adhesive connections,
Concrete-type adhesives.
Strengthening and repair
Assessment of timber structures,
Structural upgrading,
Composite structures,
Fiber-reinforced plastics,
Wood adhesives,
Plastics in rehabilitation.
Timber in construction
Moisture induces stresses,
Creep and damage,
Classification and grading,
Mechanical testing,
Mass timber structures,
Timber-concrete composites,
Timber and plastics based construction.
Teaching area
Building Construction
Public and residential buildings,
Industrial and high-rise buildings.
Timber Structures
Basis of design,
Mass timber and composites,
Reinforcement and repair
Parametric design